May 4, 2012

Page 231 - Belief

I am so afraid of failures. To think that after facing so many adversities over the past few years, it would have made me brave enough to handle what comes next, however that doesn’t seem to be the case. I just can’t lose no more. One part of me believes that I made the right choice, another part of me doesn’t seem as convinced as the other. Sometimes I try to picture the possibilities. Sometimes I just want to believe and see that ray of hope waiting for me at the end of the road. You know that feeling that you get when you thought you did well enough for your exams but the end result shows otherwise? The feeling of a solid rock glued to your heart pressing it down like the weight of the world.

That’s not the case though I tried to use it as a metaphor but that’s just how I’ve been feeling lately. There’s so many factors that contributed to it. I want to be able to say that I’ll be just fine, but will I be lying if I said that? Why must I confront my own fears? No matter how confident a person is, one minor setback will change your world. I know mine did. For better, for worse, beats me. Still trying to figure what I want to be, who I want to be. Should I conclude this is identity crisis?

So, what comes next?


“It's worth nothing if you can't knock down the shot”

I will make that shot.


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