
I spent 15 minutes staring at this blank page wondering what to write. I realized it’s been almost a month since I’ve last published a post, and I’ve been way too busy to publish even a single post. Yes, I’ve began my course, and I’ve settled down. Finally able to catch a breath from all the hectic schedule.

I guess the purpose of opening this page is because I needed a place to release my unknown frustrations. I feel lost. I feel like I do not have a direction. The fact that I know what I want to do yet feel utterly lost is something I don’t know how to deal.

I don’t need a friend to talk to. I’m not in the mood to have a heart to heart talk. What I really need is a corner somewhere to hide myself in for a couple of days. That’s what I need. But that’s not what I’ll get, unfortunately. Thus, the only way is to come here. My perfect hideout. Technically, it’s ironic since it’s published out into the public but to me, it’s a form of releasing stress through writing.

Everything seems planned beforehand, yet I don’t why I’m missing a piece of me somewhere. How is it someone with such a simple mind, such naive character is able to lead a perfect happy life while someone with such a complicated mind, such intelligent character, isn’t able to create that perfect happy life that should have been. Haven’t you ever wonder? Does it ever cross your mind?

How is it that the less educated ones are able to seek the answer to happiness while the more educated ones always finding ways to get that such simple, very simple answer. Why?

“It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years -- we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity for love and happiness, the light has been turned on.”

- Sharon Salzberg



A Bit of Personality said...

hi. I just happened across your blog. I'm glad I found it. You sound a lot like me. I am going to keep reading. if you want to find me on FB or something, because you want to talk to more people like you, just let me know.

Rachel said...

Amanda, I presume. Haha, thanks for yr awesome comment. I'm glad there's someone who thinks they sound like me, cause there ain't many. I'd love to but I don't add strangers, i hope you understand. However, I'd love to read your writings too. Leave me your blog url :)

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