Probably it was for the best, that things were left this way. I wish time would stop here so I can have a moment to breathe. . .

How to overcome awkwardness
The only way to overcome awkwardness is by learning how to speak out. If you have an opinion or idea for something, let it be known. You will never know how useful your insight is until you actually use it.

Keep a general knowledge of current events or popular topics of conversation in mind to discuss with people if the need arises. Having subject matter is 90% of the battle of general conversation. Keep some interesting things in mind that you could bring up later as topics of conversation.

Some people may mistake awkwardness for arrogance. People who do not talk a lot or speak up around people tend to be viewed as self centered, not shy. Speak up and let people know that you are shy and avoid being viewed as snobbish. By letting it be known that you are shy, it may prevent the misconception of you acting aloof.

Shyness can cause problems with your job, home life, and social life. Be willing to assert yourself and speak your mind. The hurt feelings and loneliness that shy people often deal with could be lessened or even eliminated with a little bit of practice.

Since I'm currently having this awkwardness trouble with a friend of mine, I've actually done some research. Hopefully it does help a little for anyone with the same problem : )

Haha.. enjoy!

"It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it."

- Eleanor Roosevelt


MnX The Great said... for me eh??? thanks!!! hahaha...

Rachel said...

haha! yr always welcome! : )

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